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We enable organisations and individuals to develop and grow, achieve results and enjoy what they do.

Mature Age Transition Services

If you retired tomorrow, do you know what you would do?

“The idea is to die young as late as possible.”  (Ashley Montagu)

We are all now living in the ‘age of longevity’; in an era of an ageing workforce and rising average life expectancy, there are huge implications for both workplaces and mature workers.

Our approach to Mature Age Transition not only supports those late-career individuals in transitioning to life beyond full-time work, but also ensures the benefits to the organisation are maximised and aligned with the business strategy, including risk management, succession planning and business continuity.

These benefits include brand reputation, wisdom transfer and cost savings.

Our Mature Age Transition Framework


Mature age employees often have extensive and invaluable knowledge and experience without which the performance of your organisation may be negatively impacted.

  • Has your organisation considered strategies for those employees who are in their late career stage?
  • Do your leaders know how to initiate conversations regarding ‘retirement’ plans?
  • Are you offering transitioning support for your mature age workers?
  • How will you capture and ensure your organisation retains the wisdom of this cohort?

More often than not, mature age workers want to work longer if they can work differently.

Our approach provides a roadmap for the journey to life beyond full-time work and delivers a win-win outcome for both the organisation and the individual.

For the Organisation

By creating attractive transitioning options, there is potential for:

  • Cost savings from part-time arrangements and increased engagement
  • Efficiency from the redesign of work to become faster and more productive
  • Sustainability through a more structured approach to succession planning
  • Brand Protection from ex-employees speaking highly of the support they were given
  • Retention of mid-career employees who are more likely to stay with the organisation as they approach later career stages
  • Wisdom Transfer of the knowledge and experience of those planning to ‘retire’ to all other cohorts (early, mid-career) of the organisation in a structured way

For the Individual

We know there are many dimensions of our life that are supported by work at each stage of our career:

  • Identity – who are you and what do you stand for?  (the why)
  • Routine – what do you do each day? (the what)
  • Network – who do you spend your time with? (the who)
  • Health & Wellbeing – what lifestyle do you create for yourself? (the how)

Transferring these aspects of life into a more sustainable context unlocks the possibility for a long, enjoyable and healthy ‘retirement’ (which could now be up to 40 years!).

Our Programs

Note: Specific content and design is tailored to each organisation

Stakeholder Purpose Outcome
Executive Executive Sponsorship and Strategic Discovery (i) Ensure sponsorship for a Transitioning Approach
(ii) Understand workforce profile
(iii) Understand policy context
Management Leadership Briefing and Development Leaders confident and capable of having conversations with mature age workers
Individuals Enabling Retirement Plans Implementation of Transitioning Plan


Download our “Easing the Transition to Retirement” PDF