We enable organisations and individuals to develop and grow, achieve results and enjoy what they do.

Improve your individual and Team Effectiveness using Diagnostic Tools

Our assessment tools provide real insights for individuals, teams and organisations to help them focus on critical areas of performance strength and improvement.  We work with clients to identify the most appropriate assessment tools to help diagnose development requirements.  In addition to our own Highly Effective Teams Framework, we use a range of accredited tools for different applications.   Call us to discuss your needs and we will help you identify the most appropriate assessment tool for your specific requirements.

Whole Brain® Thinking                                       

Our consultants are accredited in Whole Brain® Thinking, a business performance tool.

We work with clients to grow their awareness of their own and their colleagues’ preferred thinking styles to enhance their effectiveness in the way they work together and, in turn, to improve their business performance.

Whole Brain® Thinking is a framework which provides a lens for improved understanding and insight. It acknowledges that different people prefer different kinds of thinking and different tasks require different mental processes. The model helps organisations achieve better results through strategically leveraging their cognitive diversity.

The framework underpins the highly validated Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument® (HBDI®), the profile at the heart of the Herrmann Whole Brain® Thinking System. We offer access to the HBDI,  analyse and debrief on the results with individuals and teams to help them embed this model into the way they work.

Hogan Assessments

We are accredited in the use of Hogan Assessments, a sophisticated suite of behavioural assessment tools. Hogan’s comprehensive approach to personality assessment provides the depth and detail needed to hire the right employees, identify and develop talented individuals, and build better leaders.  Hogan assessements predict how people are likely to behave in particular environments.  They help identify whether people are likely to align with your organization, if they will meet the job requirements, and how they will perform. 

Human Synergistics Tools

The Human Synergistics suite of tools can help measure and develop every level of an organisation; from the overall organisational culture right down to individual styles, team dynamics, and leadership strategies. At an individual level, the Life Styles Inventory is a  measurement and feedback tool designed to help individuals identify how their thinking and behaviour are supporting and limiting their effectiveness. The Group Styles inventory does the same for teams. We offer access to these tools together with comprehensive debriefs through our accredited consultants.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator                                             

By defining personality type, the MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) tool builds a robust foundation for life-long personal development. It provides a constructive, flexible and liberating framework for understanding individual differences and strengths.